Coconut Stuffed Pumpkin Dough Pyramids

“Coconut stuffed pumpkin dough pyramids”   is a pastry made with sticky rice flour and coconut filling. When eaten the soft texture of the pumpkin dough and the sweet and juicy taste of the coconut filling is delicious together. A triangle shaped dessert that resembles a chedi top is a very favorable dessert that Thai people like to bring it to the auspicious ceremony. It is also believed to make life sweet and smooth.


The pumpkin dough

  • 200g sticky rice flour

  • 100g steamed pumpkin

  • 100ml coconut milk

The coconut stuffing

  • 250g grated coconut

  • 100g palm sugar

  • 1/2tbs sea salt

  • 60ml coconut water


*Cooking oil for coat the inside of the banana leaf*


banana leaf

  1. Cut the over sized banana leaf to the size needed, leaving the thick membrane at the one side of the leave intact.

  2. Then dry the banana leaves in the sun for 30 minutes or until the banana leaves become soft .

  3. Cut the banana leaf into 6 inch wide sheets by 8.5 inch long

  4. then cut into a pentagon shape


PREP TIME : 1 hr

COOKING TIME : 1 hr 30 minutes

YIELD : 5 people



  1. Peel the pumpkin, wash, and cut the pumpkin into squares then steam them for 15 minutes or until soft, now grade the coconut meat.

  2. Prepare the pan over medium heat and put coconut water, palm sugar and sea salt cook until palm sugar has dissolved and then add the shaved coconut meat. Cook until the coconut meat is thoroughly covered and soft.

  3. Now take the pumpkin and mash it and mix it in with the coconut milk and sticky rice flour until you form pumpkin dough.

  4. Then peel off 10 grams of pumpkin dough to form a pocket for 5 grams of coconut meat stuff the pumpkin with the coconut meat and form it into a ball.

  5. Now take the banana leaf and coat the inside with cooking oil and fold it into a cone shape then put the pumpkin ball inside the cone then fold the edges of the cone inwards until it closes then take the long part of the banana leaf and fold it over and tuck the end into the whole this will form the pyramid.

  6. Now repeat for as many as desired and then steam for 30 minutes.

  7. Let them cool before enjoying them.



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