Shrimp Omelet Rice Bowl

shrimp omelet rice bowl

Shrimp omelet rice bowl  is a quick and easy dish to make with just a few ingredients, it’s perfect when in a rush


  • 100 g shrimp

  • 300 g steamed rice

  • 5 eggs

  • 75 ml milk

  • ¼ tsp salt

  • 2 tbsp cooking oil

  • 1 tbsp light soy sauce

  • 1 tbsp sliced spring onion


  1. With the shrimp remove the head then peel and remove the legs, shell and vein. Then cut into small pieces

  2. slice the spring onions

  3. Scoop the rice into a small bowl, 150 g per bowl.

PREP TIME : 10 minutes

COOKING TIME : 10 minutes

YIELD : 2 people


Shrimp omelat rice bowl


  1. With a small bowl put the small pieces of shrimp and add salt into it. Then stir until mixed well and set aside

  2. Break 4 eggs into a mixing bowl and add milk and light soy sauce. Then beat all the ingredients with a whisk until well combined.

  3. Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium heat.

  4. Once the pan is hot add the small pieces of shrimp in the pan and stir fry until turn orange or well cooked.

  5. Then remove the stir-fried small pieces of shrimp from the pan to a dish

  6. With the same pan over medium heat pour the beaten eggs into the pan

  7. Use a ladle to stir until the eggs are about 70 percent cooked. Turn off the gas stove and stir for another minute.

  8. scoop the omelet from the pan and then place it on top of the rice bowl

  9. Then add the stir-fried small pieces of shrimp and sprinkle with sliced spring onions. Enjoy!!

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